The Spirit Within - Tale of a Fearless Heart
Steph's dream was nearly always the same. Yes, the dream was sometimes a bit different but the setting was always the same. Not every night but often enough, perhaps two or three times a week. For about six weeks. Then two weeks or so before she decided to start on her journey the dreams started to appear every night, sometimes four or five times a night.
A dream of an unfamiliar place in a faraway land. Of an imposing seven-story, weathered limestone turn of the century building. A run-down, neglected structure desperately crying out for repair. With prison-like rusted bars covering opaque windows on the three upper floors. The four bottom floor windows cloaked with decades-old dirt, unwashed with grayish streaks of too many rains. The facility’s disarray enclosed by a ten-foot high fence topped with barbed wire. The barbed wire corroded barbs facing inward. Bits of torn cloth hanging hither and yon from the barbs. She wondered about the poor souls that wore the clothing. Were they trying to escape? Did they succeed? Or are the bits of cloth all that remains of their long lost souls?
ISBN-13: 978-0986186196
ISBN-10: 0986186198
268 Pages
ISBN-10: 0986186198
268 Pages